Random Body Function Table for Stressful Situations

01 Itch. Roll for location, always the hardest spot to get to.
02 You gotta go to the bathroom. NOW. No exceptions.
03 SNEEZE!!! Make a save roll at -3 to silence somewhat, -6 to silence completely.
04 Your throat has something tickling it. Make a save roll to avoid coughing.
05 Lunch didn't sit well. Make a save roll at +1 to avoid losing it.
06 Gas attack. Roll 1d6. On 1-2, it's a light burp. On 3-4, it's flatulation. On a 5, it's a high-powered belch. On a 6, you do it all.
07 Muscle spasm. Roll for location. Can cause gun to fire (1 on a d10 when location is an arm).
08 Cyberware malfunction. Roll 1d10. On an even roll, your cyberware shorts out for 1d6+1 turns. On an odd roll, the batteries die.
09 Limb falls asleep. Roll 1d6. On a 1, it's your right arm. On a 2, it's your right leg. On a 3, it's your entire right side. On a 4, it's your left arm. On a 5, it's your left leg. On a 6, it's your entire left side. This lasts for 1d10+2 turns. -2 REF & -1 MA during this period.
10 Joints creak & pop.
11 Yawn. 1 on a d10 to not restrain on making it audible.
12 Sharp pain in body part. Roll for location.
13 Joint locks up. Roll 1d6. On a 1, it's your right elbow. On a 2, it's your right knee. On a 3, it's your left elbow. On a 4, it's your left knee. On a 5, it's a shoulder blade. On a 6, it's a wrist. This lasts for 1d6/2 turns. -2 REF & -1 MA during this period.
14 Nose starts to run. -5 ATTR until wiped away.
15 Nosebleed for 1d6+2 turns.
16 Gastrointestinal buildup. Very uncomfortable. Lasts for 1d6+1 hours. -1 BOD during this period.
17 Throbbing headache. This lasts 1d6+2 hours. Fast movements and loud noises cause pain. -3 COOL & -1 BOD during this period.
18 Wave of nausea overcomes you for 1d6+1 minutes. Make a save check at -1 for each fast motion or sight of food during this period. -3 COOL during this period.
19 Nervous trembles in hands. Make a difficult REF check at -3 to avoid dropping anything in your hands.
20 You bit your tongue. Painful. Roll 1d6. On a 1, you yelp.
21-00 Nothing happens. All is well... you think.

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